Bölüm anahatları

  • The use of digital content in education worldwide was relatively uncommon before the COVID-19 crisis started. Only 20% of countries had digital learning resources in teaching, and a mere 10 percent of countries had more robust digital learning capabilities offering some of the educational materials available outside of the classroom. Teachers need to quickly adjust their teaching methods and learning expectations, becoming digital facilitator trainer (DFT).

    This course is designed for all persons willing to use the Artificial Intelligence (AI), gamification, and data analysis for the improvement of educational services.   

    Course aim and objectives

    The scope of this course is to improve the knowledge and skills of VET educators to become digital facilitators. The main objectives are strongly related to the course components:

    • Comprehend the competences -values, knowledge, and skills- required in VET educators today to become digital ones.
    • Get to know the common challenges, gaps and needs faced by educators at the European level when approaching digital training.
    • Improve their knowledge and understanding of gamification, data analysis and Artificial Intelligence.
    • Gain practical knowledge on specific digital tools for GA, AI, and DA and how to incorporate them into their classrooms.
    • Learn the principles of instruction and how to implement the 5E Model to create a unique learning experience for students.
    • Learn how to incorporate digital tools in the instruction process

    The course comprises 5 modules, practical examples and tests, specially designed to provide you the necessary knowledge and skills to integrate Gamification, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis in teaching.

    To obtain the certificate of completion of the "Digital Facilitator Trainer" course, we invite you to go through the modules and answer the questions in the test. Scoring more than 50% on the multiple-choice questions will allow you to download your certificate of completion.

    We invite you to enroll by clicking on the text "Enroll me in this course" - available in the blue bar at the top of the screen, or read the Practical Guide for Moodle Learners and Trainers.

    Enjoy your reading!

    • Click above to read and download the Moodle Practical Guide for Learners and Trainers.

    • Forum. Introduce yourself

      Welcome to the first discussion forum of our online course.

      Take a minute to introduce yourself to your trainers and peers.

      Task 1. Answer to at least two of your colleagues' posts. Click the Reply button to enter your response. 

      Task 2. Create a new discussion topic to introduce yourself. Click the Add a new discussion topic button to post to discussion. Write your name and country in the Subject.

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