
Some may ask themselves what is the relationship between learning and intelligence. But let’s first see what intelligence is. Narrow definitions focus on problem-solving and mental agility in specific analytical problem-solving tasks and are often associated with intelligence quotient (IQ).

Howard Gardner suggested that standard IQ definitions and tests could not be used to assess or describe cognitive abilities (Gardner, 1983). In turn, he suggested the presence of multiple intelligences: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic. 

Source: Multiple Intelligences of Howard Gartner

Daniel Goleman advocated the concept of emotional intelligence as the ability to understand one’s own and other people’s emotions and modify one’s behaviour appropriately (Goleman, 1995).

Source: Authors, adapted from (Goleman, 1995)

Robert Sternberg viewed intelligence as the ability to accomplish life goals by capitalizing on strengths and compensating for weaknesses in order to communicate efficiently in various situations using analytical, creative and practical skills (Sternberg, 2009). This may be the reason why successful people are not necessarily those with the highest grades but those that demonstrated practical intelligence combined with wisdom and creativity. The concept of wisdom is very relevant to the learner attribute of being responsible, which is very important in the digital environments.

In a wider sense, therefore, intelligence can be understood as a person's ability to adapt to the world and learn easily from experience, showing successful problem-solving techniques in a number of contexts.

A key thing to remember from this discussion about intelligence in its different forms is that the IQ is not the only, complete indication of one’s ability to learn. Also, there are many kinds of things you can learn, in many ways. Therefore, we encourage you to learn what you need and want, the way that best suits you. Fortunately, the digital environment offers you a lot of options. For example, our course includes text, photo, video, audio materials and a lot of methods, e.g. presentation, case studies, discussion forum, etc.