The learning process

Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge, understanding, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes and preferences through study, experience, or being taught. It is believed that learning is much deeper than memorization and knowledge retrieval. Deep and long-lasting learning includes comprehension, connecting ideas and ties between prior and current experience, independent and critical thinking, and the ability to use knowledge to new and different contexts. Learning is a process that:

• builds on prior knowledge - involves enriching, building on and changing existing understanding. For example, learning how to use the Instagram App is based on prior knowledge on how to use smartphones and to take photos.  

• is active – includes engaging and manipulating objects, experiences, and conversations to build mental models. For example, it is not enough to read a blogpost about how to edit a video; you need to start doing it, interact with the video camera, with the processing app, with colleagues for help and feedback, etc.

• is situated in an authentic context - provides learners with the ability to engage with unique ideas and principles on a need-to-know or a desire-to-know basis. For instance, you need an online or face-to-face context which supports your learning; you are reading this now on your free will and comfort.

• occurs in a complex social environment – you need to think of learning as a social activity involving people, the things they use, the words they speak, their cultural context and actions. For example, when learning how to use Google Maps, you need to relate the app to the physical environment, local guides, language and your needs as a user.

• requires learners’ motivation and engagement - since considerable mental effort and persistence are necessary, you need to find your motivation and to engage in the learning process

Source: Luana, 12 years old. Creativity word cloud