Exercise 1: Young people who changed the word


  • Identify young word-changers.
  • Write the story of at least one young leader.

Duration: 45 min

Tools: device with Internet connection

Methods: research, discussion

Description of the exercise: No matter the age people do have a huge impact on the society. Some people have been extremely successful with their accomplishments, and now the rest of the world can admire and even take note. Their stories could be a good example and a powerful motivation for other people too. 

Tasks: Find out the stories of other young leaders of our times from internet sources. A good source you may wish to consider is the “10 Young People Who Changed the World” blog article available here: https://www.waterford.org/education/kids-who-changed-the-world/. Write down interesting facts about those who impressed you mostly.

Debriefing: Please feel free to share at least one of your findings in the discussion forum. We encourage you to write down names, 50 words bios and a link to the internet source.

Lessons learned: Youth do have power in order to change the word

Recommendation: Guide the students some ideas to follow in their research:  age, place, issue, solution, impact.