What are our needs

Before starting, it is important to understand the concept of needs (Farrux, 2021, pp. 18-19):

  • “Demand for something in daily life; need, necessity, need.”
  • “Needs determine the main direction of human activity, to meet them all the physical and spiritual strength of the person is mobilized"
  • “The need is related to human activity, arises in the process of his activity, is satisfied, and at the same time the next need, therefore, becomes the cause of activity”

The human needs can be distinguished as the needs for:

  • self-activation (realization of one's own potential);
  • others and self-esteem (to be important and worthy);
  • love and belonging (unification and acceptance);
  • security (longevity and stability);
  • physiological needs.

The classification of needs is based on the above concepts, which equate their needs with the means of their satisfaction, so, first, material needs are "food, clothing, housing, etc."; secondly, they describe the spiritual needs that arise as a result of the development of society as “education, training, recreation, treatment and other services”, and thirdly, as “social needs mainly express the purposeful activities of people” (Farrux, 2021, p. 18).

However, "higher" needs are no less important than the "simplest" needs, the person first meets the need for survival and security, and then - the need for respect and belonging. Later, in adulthood, to maximize his candidacy, he must develop the need to develop his personal potential.

Self reflection question: What are your needs?