What society needs

Human interests are formed over the years and are reflected in the interests of society (the people).

Cambridge Dictionary explains that society is:

  • a large group of people who live together in an organized way, making decisions about how to do things and sharing the work that needs to be done. All the people in a country, or in several similar countries, can be referred to as a society;
  • the state of being together with other people;
  • an organization to which people who share similar interests;
  • people considered as a group, or a group of people who live together in a particular social system
  • an organization for people who have special interests or who want to support particular activities
  • people in general, living together in an organized way, making decisions about how to do things, and sharing the work that needs to be done.


The key words for society are:

As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev noted (Farrux, 2021, p. 18):

To ensure the interests of man, first of all, it is necessary to communicate with people, folk, to know their concerns, dreams, problems and needs.

In carrying out these tasks, special attention should be paid to the satisfaction of human interests and needs. It is known that need is an objective necessity (need) of the subject` (person, organization, social group, community) feels the necessity for something to support its vital activities. Necessities are the source of its social activism.

People differ from each other according to age, gender, nationality, religion, level of education, occupation, marital status, living environment. In this regard, depending on who needs the needs, they are divided into individual (individual), group (corporate), regional, community (nationwide) needs.

That being said, needs can be met individually and collectively. This largely depends on the nature of the need and the nature of the objects that satisfy it. Some items and services can only be shared. These include, for example, educational facilities, hospitals, leisure facilities, sports games and entertainment.

Furthermore, society wants all its citizens to have a series of 8 competences. It means they have

  • knowledge – know what;
  • skills – know-how;
  • attitude –   know why.

8 key competencies

As it can be seen, one of the needs of society consists of citizens with digital competences.