Access and Inclusion
DIGCIT English

The Access and Inclusion course deals with the necessary competencies to overcome different forms of the digital divide by opening digital spaces to minorities and different opinions or views.

Join the course to learn how to guide oneself into more open attitudes and inclusive behaviours to embrace diversity!

Learning and Creativity
DIGCIT English

Learning and Creativity refers to the attitude of citizens towards learning in digital environments in order to develop and express different forms of creativity, with different tools, in different contexts.

Join the course and learn how to overcome the challenges of technology by using new personal and professional skills!

Media & Information Literacy
DIGCIT English

Media and Information Literacy enables us to interpret and make insightful judgments as users of information and media, as well as to become skilled creators and producers of information and media messages.

Join the course and become a smart consumer and a responsible creator of media!

Ethics and Empathy
DIGCIT English

Ethics and Empathy are personal traits that maintain "peace". In this course, you will explore and experience empathy in its individual, interpersonal, and civic modes. 

Join the course and develop your capacity to understand and feel other people’s experiences, feelings and points of view!

Health and Wellbeing
DIGCIT English

The physical and psychological well-being of a person living and interacting in a growing digital technological world are areas that enhance the development of balanced future citizens.

Join the course and learn how to work with key digital wellness issues that arise from technology overuse!

e-Presence and Communication
DIGCIT English

The e-Presence and Communication course deals with competencies related to online communication and interaction with others through virtual social environment.

Join the course and learn how to communicate and address issues related to one’s virtual profile and presence!

Active Participation
DIGCIT English

Active participation is a symbol of independence and democracy. Being involved in such activities enable people to take their own decisions about their lives and to be heard. In this context, what matters is what engagement means and how it creates impact.

Join the course and show that you are not passive and you do care about the society you live in!

Rights and Responsibilities
DIGCIT English

Rights, duties and responsibilities cannot be dissociated from each other. Living as members of society inevitably entails duties and responsibilities as well as rights. 

Join the course and become a respectful, ethical and active digital citizen, maintaining the integrity of the local, national and international internet community!

Privacy and Security
DIGCIT English

Privacy and security are dependent on each other, more so in a digital environment. Facing threats relating to hardware, software, and the user themselves, protecting one’s own privacy is a continuous challenge and responsibility for any digital citizen.

Join the course and learn to face online threats in a digital environment!

Consumer Awareness
DIGCIT English

The Internet, with all its dimensions like social media or other virtual social spaces, includes environments where often the fact of being digital citizens means also being a consumer.

Join the course and become a more aware consumer of the mechanisms behind digital content!